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How Much Will My Workers’ Compensation Brain Injury Settlement Be?


A brain injury is a particularly severe personal injury. It can have a lifelong impact on one’s physical abilities, career options, and many other areas.When the injury occurs at work, workers’ compensation issues come into play, and you will likely need to pursue a claim through your company’s workers’ compensation insurance. This will most likely result in a settlement.

Why Are There Settlements in Brain Injury Cases?

In the case of a workplace injury, the settlement is between the worker and the business or their insurance company, with the latter paying the worker a specific amount. The reasons companies seek to settle traumatic brain injury cases include the following:

  • The company does not want bad publicity regarding an employee’s traumatic brain injury;
  • The company’s workers’ compensation agreement mandates a settlement effort;
  • The company wants to avoid the cost of litigation;
  • Since the settlement is final, there is no risk of paying a higher amount down the line; and
  • The company recognizes its level of fault and genuinely wants to address the employee’s needs fairly and quickly.

Companies are well versed in handling personal injury settlement offers. They are prepared to try and shield their business. You will need an experienced attorney to review the settlement offer, protect your rights, and represent you in court, if needed.

What Determines the Amount of the Settlement Offer?

A traumatic brain injury impacts each person differently. There are various considerations that affect settlement offers. However, an offer usually takes into account at least:

  • The medical expenses of the injured party;
  • What lost earning the person has suffered;
  • Future losses and expenses resulting from the injury;
  • What the company has paid to settle similar workers’ compensation cases; and
  • Settlement amounts for similar cases with workers at other companies.

You must have an attorney review your settlement offer. An experienced lawyer will evaluate its reasonableness. If it is not fair, they will negotiate on your behalf for a better offer, and prepare for trial.

How Can I Find Out What My Settlement Amount Should Be for My Brain Injury?

In Wyoming, a traumatic brain injury case settlement could be in the thousands or even millions of dollars. Attorneys in this field are aware of the multitude of possible settlement amounts. To assist you, they first need to gather the facts, consider expenses and losses, and review similar cases in Wyoming.

Hire an attorney right away to address your situation. You’ll then be at a starting point to determine a reasonable settlement amount.

Contact Platte River Injury Law Today

At Platte River Injury Law, we deal with traumatic brain injury cases, workers’ compensation, and settlement offers. We provide first-class legal work throughout Wyoming. Founded by Wyoming native Jeremy Platte, Platte River Injury Law is passionate about making life better for real people through compassion and excellent legal advocacy. Contact us today!

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