Essentially, an advocate is an individual who works on behalf of another individual. The people who are often in need of an advocate are usually members of a population that doesn’t have the means to hire a lawyer and faces significant challenges within the legal system. The most common groups who benefit from advocate help are children, the poor, the disabled, prisoners, and immigrants. If you’re in need of representation but don’t think you can afford a lawyer, call a respected law firm that can advise you in the world of advocacy.
Are Advocates Required to Have the Same Education as Attorneys?
Unlike lawyers, there is no specific degree associated with becoming an advocate. The most skilled advocates usually have years of experience working within the community they represent. Advocates tend to participate in continuing education, conferences, and workshops. Many advocates are also employed by law firms at the same time they’re doing their advocacy work. If you’re deciding on an advocate, don’t hesitate to ask for qualifications or materials that verify the expertise. The best advocates will be forthcoming with their experience and be able to easily demonstrate their familiarity with the community they are representing. If you don’t have the funds to pay for a law firm, an advocate could be a great option.
Does a Non-Lawyer Advocate Have to Follow the Same Rules as a Lawyer?
There is a separate set of rules for non-lawyer advocates since they are not attorneys or members of the state bar. Non-lawyer advocates cannot officially represent clients in court and should not be preparing paperwork on a client’s behalf. While an advocate doesn’t have to seek out the guidance of an attorney, it definitely helps. Most advocates position themselves as mediators, helping to resolve disputes between parties in hopes of avoiding lawyers and expensive trials. Depending on your case, it may be in your best interest to work with an advocate who specifically has close relationships with a trusted law firm.
Can an Advocate Handle My Case?
Advocates can be a huge help in serving a population that often doesn’t have the proper legal guidance. That said, good advocates know their professional and legal limits. They should be able to tell you right off the bat what they can do for you in your situation and under what circumstances you will need the assistance of an actual lawyer. If you’re feeling unsure about whether you need the services of a law firm or if an advocate can handle our case, feel free to reach out to a law firm for a free consultation. Platte River Injury Law, a Cowboy Country Law firm can look at your case and determine if an advocate is a good option or if you need the help of an experienced attorney.