1. Leave in plenty of time.
The best tip for avoiding road rage is to avoid stressful situations, which lead to an annoyed, angry, easily tipped off driver. If it is in your control, leave in enough time to get your destination on time with plenty of wiggle room. If you are not worried about being late, you may be less agitated when you run into thick traffic or an annoying driver.
2. Move over if someone is tailing you.
Drivers who follow too closely are annoying and rude. It can seem like they are impatient to go faster, trolling you, or just being plain stupid. Instead of slamming on your brakes or going exactly the speed limit to give the trailing driver a dose of their own annoying medicine, just pull over and allow the vehicle behind you to pass you. Sudden braking and following too closely are some of the most common causes of auto accidents. If you can avoid those situations, you will have a safer time on the road.
3. Give up trying to be the fastest car on the road.
Some people just want to be the fastest, best, coolest car on the road. Increased speed is another of the most common causes of automobile accidents. Remember that traveling is not about status and reputation. It is more important to get to your destination alive and in one piece.
4. Do not take it personally.
If you are late, you cannot stop someone from tailing you, and you are having a hard time giving up your reputation as a street racer, avoid road rage by staying calm. Do not get angry because people do stupid things. The actions of other drivers are their actions, and they have nothing to do with you. Do not worry about things you cannot control. In other words, do not allow other drivers to damage your calm.